A partnership between the Augustinian community at Villanova College Brisbane, Australia

and the Augustinian communities at the Basilica del Sto Nino in Cebu and

the Colegio San Agustin, Bacolod, in the Philippines.


Our Mission

AFAS promotes solidarity and friendship between Augustinian schools in the Philippines and Australia. Through cultural exchanges, Villanova College participants gain insight into Filipino life and support efforts to educate underprivileged students. These initiatives are showcased in biannual visits to the Philippines by Villanova College students and staff, embodying AFAS's commitment to educational opportunity and cross-cultural understanding.

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thousand Dollars Raised



Years Serving communities



Thousand children Impacted


Education scholarships

Between 1995 and 2017 AFAS has funded over 150 full or part education scholarships for poor students at primary, high school and college level.  The AFAS scholars are selected by the staff in the local communities.

community projects

AFAS has also undertaken projects such as painting classrooms, cementing and providing seating for an outdoor multipurpose court, resurfacing a basketball court and building an outdoor study kiosk. AFAS has supported outreach programs such as assisting in the construction of two community centres in poorer areas where families can come together to worship and where young children are able to learn basic numeracy and literacy skills and life skills such as health and hygiene practices.  Villanova College staff and students were also involved in market garden projects and providing funding for feeding programs.

resource funding

AFAS has funded resources for schools including library resources, computer resources, physical education equipment, musical instruments, science equipment, computers and art supplies. 

emergency relief

AFAS has provided to schools in the wake of the 2013 earthquake and typhoon which devastated many areas of Cebu and Leyte.


 We are pilgrims, people on the road, not residents. We should therefore feel unsatisfied with what we are, if we want to arrive at that to which we aspire. If we are totally happy with what we are, we will stop going forward. If we think we have gone far enough we will not take another step. Let us continue, therefore, going forward, walking towards the goal. Let us not stop half way along the route, or look backwards or stray from the path. Someone who stops, does not make progress. Someone who strays, loses hope of arriving.

 Sermon of St Augustine 169, 18